Friday, May 25, 2018


"Start daydreaming."-Allie Santizo

Image result for split personalities I as an individual, a daughter, a sister, and many other labels, I have learned new ways to daydream and the benefits of it. Not only, does it take us away and makes us feel like a rare cup of tea. But, it pulls us away to think and to recall everything that we did. Yet, to be discovered and
our brains and thoughts take a break question everything. Which in the end you are no longer programmed to be the same and you are now able to look at everything with a different perspective. I believe when an individual is rewired while daydreaming they have more opportunities and are more open-minded. For instance, a split personality( the medical term is known for dissociative identity disorder0 is a perfect example of how fascinating it is to start daydreaming. One of their personalities are a young fifteen-year-old girl that has anxiety problems, and overthinks think all the time. Which allows her to lose control of everything and have mental breakdowns, and put her self down a lot. Another personality is the 13-year-old girl who is always is cheerful and has no care in the world, with nothing but happy smiles. This girl only smiles and smiles and smiles as if that's the only thing that she can do and bring joy to people faces. These two personalities are both many of the ones that define this one girl, and for her not to be daydreaming and losing her self in her thoughts and questioning everything she will be stuck. And for good loose what makes her and her identity. Like many individuals like this girl will never be able to show the true light of day that is hidden beneath all of her personalities. We need to truly start daydreaming, to find the missing sunlight a sunflower needs, to call by its name.

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