"Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT." -Russell M. Nelson
In my personally opinion i don't 100% agree on what he is saying because in some ones view the wrong thing maybe the right thing in someone else's point of view. In other words yes cheating is bad and i agree that if everyone is doing it then it doesn't make it right. The reason why is because even though majority rules, cheating is a bad habitat that would not only hurt you but it will hurt others around you. If you are willing to think that wrong is never right. But yet still do wrong, then you are not a CTR person. Another example, is when certain people think that protesting is a bad thing and they think that protesting should even be considered or done. I disagree with them because if you have the right to believe and think and say what you want to say, why shouldn't we have the right to protest against something that we believe is right, in our eyes maybe not in yours. Lastly, there are some things in this world that are wrong and are never right , yes. But we also have to keep in mind that even if you are tempted to do what is wrong you should always think twice, even if you think it is right. Keep in mind that everyone has their own mindset , views, and opinions on everything but somethings are worth fighting for and some are common sense and should be doing if it's wrong.
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