Film Director
Duties and responsibilities:
The duties of a film director include mainly answering to the executive producer, take part in meetings film executives, casting sessions and hiring rounds for actors and screen writers. They also will be choosing and supervising music composers and art directors. Some responsibilities of a film director are making the creative decisions and approve all decisions of film.
Salary: $68,440
Education requirements:
A film director education requirements include a bachelor's degree, maybe a masters degree, and some experience. A bachelor's and masters' degree aren't required but may be helpful.
Demand or need for this career:
the key skills a film director need to have are review scripts, hire and direct actors, oversee rehearsals, and manage cast and crew. And you have to be really talented to create films.
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Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not
After conducting my research on a film director I think i would like to be one. The reason why is because it seems very interesting and something i would enjoy doing. I fell like i have creativity mindset when it comes to writing scripts and i feel like i would enjoy directing a movie. Also, it wold be an amazing opportunity for millions of people to see the films that i directed and famous actors wold like to be apart of.
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