"Goodness is the only investment that never fails,"- Henry David Thoreau
In my personal opinion I'm set out to think that when you choose goodness as your initial thought and follow through you would never get in to trouble. On the other hand if you, were to go the other route and choose the bad and follow through with it you will have to suffer the consequences. No matter which path you take , because no path is every the same there will always be little problems along the road that lead to the grand finale. Which will result to the ending of your decision. For instance, in the video that was shown in my class was based of 10 teens who go to jail, for committing felonies. They choose to do the wrong and let the goodness leave their thoughts and do what they knew was wrong which later on failed them. They knew what and how they were going to be failed from their actions and still committed them anyways. Eventually, they got caught and had to serve their time in prison. However, another example of this quote is when a man started a campaign on how one experience had changed him to develop goodness and spread it. In his campaign he would explain to others and share his ideas on goodness and try to change them or at least apply what he was saying in their lives. He gave everyone after one of his teachings 2 hours to go do something kind for others and then report back and to feel good. At the end of the day we all must have an idea on what's going to happen next after our actions. We , well my teacher wants to make sure that you always and now he means ALWAYS!!!!! choose the right and be at level d the democracy level.
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