Thursday, March 22, 2018


"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right , and part with him when he goes wrong." - Abraham Lincoln

Image result for honest abeAbraham Lincoln is implying us to do the right thing which means to be honest. If we are honest even about the small things then we will be honest 100% of the time because it would become a habit. When you develop a good habit, it always means well because you would have great things come your way in the near future. For example, when Honest Abe walked six miles because he gave a women short of her change. He closed the shop and went on his way to follow her to give her change back to her. He was so honest that he had amazing character and choose the right. By him doing the right thing following the ctr way , he was given the nickname of Honest Abe. Which followed him even after he passed away. He soon became our president after many years of in failure. A bad example of this quote is to be like our teacher says a liar and you get your way in the short term but end up hurting you in the long term. For instance, if you owe someone money and you tell them you paid them back already. When you really you liked and you will be holding that grief and guilty  with you. Choose the right and be honest like honest Abe was...

Psychiatric Aide

Duties and responsibilities
   The duties of an psychiatric Aide are the following they help patients with everyday activities and keep them safe. They may help dress or bathe patients, as well as serve them meals and clean their living spaces. Oher duties include organizing fun activities or outgoing and provide transportation for the patients.
Education requirements
  The need a high school diploma or equivalent, mental health aide postsecondary programs.
demand or need for this profession
   The demand training on the job training is common. Also, key responsibilities are helping patient routines, lead or participate in group activities.  The overall employment of psychiatric aides is projected to grow 6 percent form 2016 to 2026.
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Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not?
    After learning more about this profession and finding out that this profession is like being a paid parent. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because their duties involve the same or similar ones that parents or caregivers have to do on a day to day basis. I don't think I would like to be one the reason why is because the professions salary is verrry low and the educational requirements are also low. Which means in other words you wouldn't have much power or much say at all that goes on.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Duties and responsibilities
   The duties of an podiatrist is to assess the condition of a patient's feet, ankles, or lower legs by reviewing the patients medical history, listening to her or his concerns, and performing a physical examination, diagnose foot, ankle, and lower leg problems  through physical exams, x rays, medical laboratory tests, and other methods. They also conduct research, read journals, and attend conferences to keep up with advances in podiatric medicine.

Salary:  They get paid $124,830 per year, and $60.01 per hour.

Education requirements
  The education requirements to become one are you must earn a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree and complete a 3-year residency program. Every state requires podiatrists to be licensed.

Demand or need for this profession
  The demand for medical and surgical care of the foot and ankle will stem form the aging population. They will also be needed to treat patients with foot and ankle conditions caused by chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity.

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Do you still think you would like to become one ? Why or Why not?

   After learning more about this profession I still don't think I would like to become one. I think that working with patients isn't my thing because I don't have the right amount of patients to deal with some rude ones. I also don't want to work with feet I think they are disgusting and if I get a worse case then I probably might quite my profession and all that time I spent would go to waste.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Plastic Surgeon

Duties and responsibilities:
   The common duties for an plastic surgeon are updating charts and patient's information to show current findings and treatments. Review test results to identify any abnormal findings, and address concerns or answer questions that  patients have about their health and well-being. Some of their other duties include help patients take care of their health by discussing topics such as proper nutrition and hygiene.

 A plastic surgeon gets paid $ 100.00 an hour starting , and $208,000 a year in the year of 2016

Education requirements:
   In order to become one you will have demanding education and training requirements. They will need a bachelors degree, an medical degree, and 3 to 7 year in internship and residency programs.

demand or need for this  profession:

  The overall employment rate for plastic surgeons grow  13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all professions. The job growth is projected is seek to grow higher as the aging population.
Image result for plastic surgeon

Do you think you would like to be one? Why or why not?
    After learning more about what an plastic surgeon I still believe I don't want to be one. I disagree on what they are doing on other people like fixing their imperfections but other than that its an amazing career. They do phenomenal things to others that makes them look "normal" so they can be comfortable in their own skin.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


"Character is higher than intellect." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Image result for ralph waldo emerson\    In my personal opinion I believe that if you don't have the right attitude or mentality, at first. Then the outcome of the thing you are doing or trying to achieve will not be great. Just like the character. You need to first have talent, and the right mindset first, then good character. For instance, the video that our teacher showed us about the kid with depression, he didn't have the right thinking and was going to kill him self. Because of the bad things that had happened and had only envisioned the  bad things in life and none of the good or great things that were soon to come. HE couldn't control his thinking or his thoughts so he took a great leap that ended him up in the hospital. His mother though she wanted to find a way to help, so she went on Facebook and told the people to write him a letter with positive thoughts . She only thought it was going to be a few people. However, it was the complete opposite. So she printed them out or they were mailed to them and she showed them to her son. Which then with time flipped his thoughts upside down. So now when he has bad days he can look at the letters or he can no longer feel like he is alone and helpless. HE has someone and many other to look for help and find the help that he needs. Lets not mention or say help lets say the happiness that everyone rightfully deserve.

Physical therapost assistant duties

Duties and responsibilities:

     The duties of an physical therapist assistant are to record patients progress and report the results fo each treatment to the physical therapist.  They also make modifications in selected interventions either to progress the patient/client as directed by the physical therapist or to ensure the patient/client safety and comfort. Their main responsibility is to assist the physical therapist in the treatment of individuals of all ages, who have medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.

Salary: $42,980

Demand or need for this profession:
    The demand for physical therapists assistants is pretty high, despite the economic downturn. As stated on Bureau of Labor Statistics , the employment of physical therapists is expected to grow by 40 percent from 2014 to2024, which is much faster tan other professions. 

Image result for physical therapist assistant

Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not?

   I still believe after learning more about this profession I wouldn't like to be one. I don't think I'm well  prepared or capable to take care of people, especially with health-related injuries. It scares me that I'm the one responsible to make sure that their work out or exercise is modify just right for them .I'm so terrified to work with elders and children under13 because either they are still too young or too old. And those years are the most critical and you wouldn't want to make a mistake.

Monday, March 12, 2018


"I trust that mu hard work will pay off."-Tyler Haws

I personally believe that this quote it saying that when you want something , anything. And you truly work hard at it that it will pay off. For instance if you want to become and artist at drawing. But you don't work hard and you don't take those opportunities for you practice and become better at it. Then you will never become the artist you want to become. Those times were even for homework and you have to draw something take that time an option to do so. the reason behind is it that when you work on it your hand movements move with ease across the paper. And so it begins form one line to another you have completed a masterpiece and its phenomenal.  Just like anything else in life that you do , just take those moments to work hard and practice and you will achieve greatness towards the finish line and at the finish line. But, it doesn't necessarily mean to stop and tell yourself oh I made it that's it. NO!!! You should set yourself another goal and work towards that goal the same mentally that you did to achieve your other goals. As Tyler showed us that he wasn't the best kid at first and just because his father was the best never really helped me achieve his goal. It was those two hours every morning or more that he would spend trying to perfect those free throws. Also trying to be the best that his potential can be for that day, Because everyday he wanted to be better than the last.
 Image result for tyler haws

Physical Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:

The following duties of an physical therapist include, review patients medical history and any referrals or notes form doctors, surgeons, or other healthcare workers. They also educate patients and their families about what to expect form the recovery process and how best to cope with challenges throughout the process. Evaluate and record a patients progress, modifying a plan of care and trying new treatments as needed.


They get paid $85,400 per year and $41.06 per hour.


In order to become one you  will need a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree.  They will also need a bachelors degree for admission as well as specific educational classes.All states require them to be licensed.

Demand or need for this profession:

Some recommended skills are reading comprehension, communication, Transferable, workplace, and technology skills. These skills will come in handy when you want to become one.

Image result for physical therapist

Do you think you would like to be one? Why or why not?

After conducting research on this profession I still believe that I wouldn't want to be one. This profession is very useful and amazing but I just don't think I would want to be helping other with their physical boundaries.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right "- Brigham Young

Image result for byuIn our class today our teacher should us a video of Brigham Young University and how its amazing. He mentioned a couple of times on how once or when you choose to do the right thing that you will receive more freedom. For instance, if you were to behavior correctly and do what your suppose to do your parents would let you have more freedom. In other words you  will be able to go out with your friends and have fun with no worries. But if you choose to go the other way around and choose the wrong. For example, argue and fight with them or your siblings then you wouldn't have independence or freedom. Instead you will have nothing and you would be at home. Also, when you choose to do something that you isn't right , you have to think twice about it before conducting the action. Do you know the consequences and is it worth it. Well no or yes, because you will pay for your doing in the log and short term run.

Class evalutaion

Class Evaluation   What are things you liked about the class?   There were a lot of interesting things that I liked from this class...