Tuesday, December 12, 2017

1. Smoking nearly harms every organ in the body, some faster than others , and some last a long time.  The main organ in the body that smoking harms is the brain because the cigarette has a type of drug called nicotine which is addictive as heroin. And this drug is so addictive that you would want to continue non-stop. But when you try to stop its very hard to because it changed your brain in to developing nicotine receptors to maintain the large amounts of nicotine intake. And when you reduce the amounts of nicotine your brain craves it more and you start to feel anxious and not your self. The eyes are also affected the nicotine restricts the chemical for you to see at night and to have clear vision. And with lack of this chemical that is necessary you can lead to blurry vision and potential blindness.

2. Cigarettes smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is nearly one in fifth deaths. More than 10 times U.S. citizens have died from prematurely cigarette smoking  than have died  from all the wars  fought by the United States. Smoking causes about  90% (or out 9 out of 10) of all lung cancer deaths. Cigarette smoking increases death from all causes in men and women.

Tobacco Use* Among High School Students in 20165
Tobacco ProductOverallFemalesMales
Any tobacco product20.2%17.0%23.5%
Electronic cigarettes11.3%9.5%13.1%
Smokeless tobacco5.8%3.3%8.3%
Pipe tobacco1.4%0.9%1.8%

Tobacco Use* Among Middle School Students in 20165
Tobacco ProductOverallFemalesMales

4. You can per mote non smoking by showing the people the facts, informing them with the right information, showing them videos, and true stories. Once you show them true stories they will have a higher chance of stopping and not even starting because it will make them realize  the bad things smoking does.
Any tobacco product7.2%5.9%8.3%
Electronic cigarettes4.3%3.4%5.1%
Smokeless tobacco2.2%1.5%3.0%
Pipe tobacco0.7%0.6%0.8%

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